Friday, 6 November 2015

                                                    Just like a Family
my home for the next few months.

 I am finally living with my birth mom and my sister. Thank you for your prayers and it is because of your prayer that I am still in my village. For a long time I have been asking God “Did I really hear from you, that I should go to Nepal”? To be frank my life is too silent and please don’t get me wrong but I feel “Silent “is the right word which describes, the way life is for me. I am an extreme introvert and every day silent in my life but it is too silent. It’s not that I am not hearing from God or me doing nothing. It is more like life in the village is different when you’re living in it. It’s like God telling me to go to Nepal and when I go and reach there, I notice a lot of things missing in my life. I am missing my comforts, friends and families. So for the last one month I haven’t had a proper face to face conversation with anybody. I am living with my sister and birth mother and most of the time we don’t know what anyone is saying, to each other. There is no electricity in my house or running water. I could go on and on about so many things that are happening in my life but it’s all silent. I don’t feel empty or jobless but I feel silent. This is how I am feeling at present and I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing but one thing I just know is it’s just a feeling. I wish I was could be an author or a poet to describe with the right words about what I feel.
Me and my birth mom.
Yes I am living in my small house and have learned a lot of things. I have learned to cook and cultivate the field and provide food for my family. I have learned to love my sister and mother and speak their language as best as I can. I have learned to meet others comfort before mine. I have learned to wait upon God even when nothing is happening. My idea of ministry was totally wrong and I have come to understand that my life is its self a ministry. Thanks Tammyma for teaching me that. I was so encouraged when I heard preaching is not the only ministry and that is why also I am still in Nepal.

     I have been seeking the lord for the next step in my life in the village and God has answered me. I will be teaching in a Christian school very soon. I am excited and nervous at the same time and thank you for your prayers. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you Arjun. It's not easy. I am praying that you can somehow experience a face to face conversation with JESUS. Love you and miss you!
