Wednesday, 10 August 2016

                                                   LAST WEEK


  I have finished my one year commitment in Nepal and I truly thank God for helping me and also thank you for your support. I have learned a lot in just one year and I know in my heart I have dived deeper in the lord. The last two weeks for me in Nepal was a blessing because I was blessed by the church and by the community that I was living with. Before I started my journey to Nepal I prayed to God “God break my pride and more of you and less of me”. That prayer I am still praying and trying my best to live in that life style that Jesus lived on this earth. This prayer was the main key for the miracles that I saw and the blessing I have received and I am trying to master my prayer. When I look back the days I have spent in Nepal I can say that I was not alone and God was there by my side. Before I left Nepal the last two weeks there I was able to minister to children and families in both word and art.
    I joined with a team from Australia for the last two weeks ministry in Kathmandu. The team did a good job in sharing the gospel and I was also blessed to see young missionary just living a missionary life. I was able to do a painting for the team and it blessed them and the church that they were from.
   I am so happy and grateful to be back in home for my brother’s wedding and it went really well. It’s good to see my brothers and my family in Bangalore after a long time. Though I am not going and doing ministry in the street I am glad that I am getting refreshed in the spirit and I am able to minister to my young brother.
   I feel lead by the Holy Spirit to go to another state in India and minister to the children in the children’s home. The place I will be going is called Hyderabad and I will be working with three other missionary. I don’t know what I will be doing in the long run but I know I would like to minister to people through my arts and sport and dance. Keep me in your prayers and God bless you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Arjun! I'm excited to hear about your upcoming transition to Hyderabad. I just spent some time praying not only for your upcoming transition, but that every seed you planted in the name of Christ in this past season would bear much fruit!
    Love you bro! Patrick Uncle
